【少人数制】我妻恵美子 定期舞踏ワークショップ / Butoh small workshop
Mon, Jan 11

Time & Location
Jan 11, 2021, 7:00 PM – Feb 22, 2021, 11:00 PM
About the event
【少人数制】我妻恵美子 定期舞踏ワークショップ
2021/1/4 (月) ~3/8(月)
7 pm - 9 pm
* 初心者歓迎。一回のみの参加や連続での参加も可能です。
* ご参加の方にメールで場所の詳細をお伝えします。
■料金 ■
1回 2,500円
* コロナ感染拡大防止の為、少人数で行います。入り口での検温、手指のアルコール消毒のご協力お願い致します。
【Butoh small workshops for all levels】
In this workshop, I introduce the philosophy and background of Butoh by using our body together. It focuses on your inside and explores the connection between your body and mind.
This workshop is for beginners.
■Schedule ■
1/4 (Mon) Start
Every Monday
7 pm - 9 pm
* These are independent. You can join it anytime you like.
* This workshop is conducted in Japanese and English.
Kichijoji, Tokyo
* We would like to inform participants the address via a direct Email.
■Fee ■
2,500 yen / day
* In response to the COVID-19 outbreak, we will check the body temperature of all participants and also prepare the alcohol-based hand sanitizer for participants to use.
Organized by Agaxart