Butoh Workshop and Presentation at 艋舺國際舞蹈節 in Taiwan

Butoh Workshop
*we have stopped accepting on 4/3
08 (Wed) -16 (Thu), April, 2020
●Basic training class
4/08 (Wed) 19:00-22:00
4/10 (Fri) 19:00-22:00
4/11 (Sat) 10:00-13:00, 15:00-18:00
Venue: 糖廍曉劇場
●Choreography class
4/12 (Sun)14:00-17:00, 19:00-22:00
4/14 (Tue)19:00-22:00
4/15 (Wed)19:00-22:00
4/16 (Thu)19:00-22:00
Venue: 糖廍曉劇場
*Butoh workshop and presentation will be held.
*In response to the COVID-19 outbreak, we will check the body temperature of all participants and also prepare the alcohol-based hand sanitizer for participants to use.
*艋舺國際舞蹈節 2020 / Want to Dance Festival 2020 was cancelled due to Coronavirus. This workshop is organized by Shinehouse Theatre.

Butoh Presentation
19 (Sun), April, 2020
16:10-16:40 (Taiwan time)
Live stream on Facebook
organized by Shinehouse theatre
*艋舺國際舞蹈節 2020 / Want to Dance Festival 2020 was cancelled due to Coronavirus. This presentation is organized by Shinehouse Theatre.
艋舺國際舞蹈節 2020/Want to Dance Festival 2020 (organized by Shinehouse theater) in Taipei, Taiwan was cancelled due to COVID-19.
Butoh Workshop and Presentation was limitedly held with infection control.
Emiko Agatsuma: Art director, choreographer and performer
Emiko gave 3 days Butoh basic class and 4 days choreography class.
There were 18 particioants, and 14 participants performed in it.

All photo by 應學堂
Butoh Workshop and Presentation at 艋舺國際舞蹈節/Want to Dance Festival (organized by Shinehouse theater) in Taipei, Taiwan
Emiko Agatsuma: Art director, choreographer and performer
Emiko gives 9 Butoh workshops (Basic training class and choreography class) for the presentation.
All photo by Shinehouse Theatre, Taipei