Emiko Agatsuma Butoh Workshop
<What is Butoh?>
When I met the Butoh basic training for the first time, I was fascinated by the philosophy even I didn't know how to move.
Butoh is a Japanese interpretative dance that was born in the 60's. The most famous founders were Tatsumi Hjikata and Kazuo Ohno.
At first, this dance genre was a reaction against the Western modern dance style. Early Butoh dancers focused on their bodies, inferiorities and Japanese local culture, then they reconstructed them as a theatrical art.
Butoh established a characteristic dance style and the philosophy has been influencing people all over the world.
In this workshop, Emiko introduces the philosophy and background of Butoh by using our body together.
It focuses on inside of you and explores the connection between your body and mind.
Emiko's workshop
[ Beginner Class ]
[ Advanced Class ] for experienced participants
[ All level class ]
She prepare the contents of a workshop to fit your level (from beginner level to professional level) and aim for step-ups.
<Emiko Agatsuma>
An award-winning professional Butoh dancer based in Japan and has performed internationally.
She has been teaching Butoh for not only dancers but also the public more than 15 years.
Waseda University, Japan
Taipei National University of the Arts, Taiwan
Tainan National University of the Arts, Taiwan
Fu Jen Catholic University, Taiwan
Lasalle College of the Arts, Singapore
Yokohama International School, Japan
Hoya High School, Japan
Asakusa elementary school, Japan
Oshiage elementary school, Japan
Arts Academy, Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre, Japan
Setagaya Public Theatre, Japan
Shinehouse Theatre, Taiwan
Tjimur Dance Theater, Taiwan
SYAKE-SPEARE Theater, Japan
She can instruct it in English.
<After this workshop...>
You can learn how to move your body based on the Butoh basic training.
You can learn the background of the Butoh movements and how to connect the mind and body by using imagination.
<How Emiko teach?>
Emiko instructs and explains with images delicately, and it helps your understanding.
Through the use of Butoh dance as a medium, Emiko aims to bring awareness to elements that may have been forgotten or overlooked, and to look at an individual's inner life and experiences from a different perspective.
<Why register?>
You become relaxed and accept anything about you both consciously and unconsciously.
This workshop helps you to brush up your sense of body, and it will boost your creativity.
You can learn Asian physical methods that are different from Western ones.
Even beginners can learn the Butoh basic training and enjoy it anywhere.

“I really loved the empty bag and water comes into body flow”
— 30's・S.B
“Oh yes! It is all new world for me!”
— 40's・K.M
— 40's・Y.N
“I learned a lot! I have taken online Butoh workshops before but have never really learned the basic principles and skills. Your explanations and demonstrations were very clear and I found them easy to follow. ”
— 50's・A.M
— 50's・S.O
“The visualization is helpful for me to relax because I have a hard time relaxing. The water prompt is helpful for me to do other dances as well.”
— 40's・C.K

— 40's・M.K
— 30's・T.T
“回を重ねる毎に、前回のポイントを踏まえてきて身体に入っていくのを感じます。わかりやすい説明で無理なく舞踏に触れることができます。外側を(カタチ、振 り?)みて身体を動かすというのではなく、内面から起こっている事象が身体を動かしている、動かされていること丁寧に感じられて、大事だなとおもいました。”
— 50's・Y.F
“ Agatsuma sensei is an exceptional teacher. Her guidance makes you think about body and movemebt in an entirely different way. She introduces challenging ideas and concepts in a gentle and effective manner. ”
— 30's・I.K
— 50's・S.O
“Excellent effort! I suppose that this that comes first in my mind it has to do with the double sense of the plastic bag (from inside and from outside)”
— 30's・C.T


©Miya Turnbull
Miya Turnbull (Visual Artist)
Emiko is a fantastic teacher. I am learning so much from her lessons which on the surface seem so simple but are extremely hard to do. These are very important basics to learn how to empty one's mind and body and let something 'else' take over and to become part of nature, for example. Really great practise for isolating certain areas of the body. It's also really great for learning to 'let go' of how we look, not being embarrassed about making a face or movement that could be 'ugly' - instead it becomes beautiful. The prices are so extremely reasonable too, makes it really accessible for everyone to take classes. And it's so amazing that we can be on opposites sides of the world and still connect and interact with each other!
Every lesson I learn so much- not only about my body, but also the history of Butoh. I am learning about Japanese culture and masks and ways to incorporate so many new elements into my own artwork. I have always wanted to take her online class but this is exactly the right time for me now as I start wearing my masks more in full bodies performance. I didn't know where to start- how to move my body- but she has given me so many tools to start with - to being 'empty' and let the masks energy take over. Really wonderful! And I appreciate her flexibility too- she has adjusted her times and dates for me several times to accommodate my schedule. Thank you so much!
Miya Turnbull Website ▶ https://www.miyaturnbull.com/

Iza Kavedžija (Anthropologist)
Workshops with Emiko are a special pleasure, a time to engage the senses and focus mindfully on movement. Beginners will thrive under her gentle guidance, while more experienced dancers will always find something new to explore. Emiko is a fantastic teacher, her methods are ingenuous and effective, and she always manages to create a creative and friendly atmosphere.
I found the butoh workshops to be both challenging and meditative, as she encourages participants to engage the body through the imaginative process. What movement can be born if one imagines that one’s body is being pecked by a fish? What happens if you allow a strong emotion to fill you up gradually from the inside? By practicing movement and focus with Emiko, I feel the butoh workshops allow me to engage my imagination in different ways in my other creative pursuits, as well.

XUE (Artist/Butoh Dancer)
Emiko creates a safe and comfortable space for people of all experience levels to learn butoh. The techniques that she introduces have made my Butoh richer as I continue to practice them in my own time. They are easy to approach, but increase in complexity over time. Taking Emiko’s workshops has deepened my understanding of Butoh. She is a calming presence and an extremely patient teacher. In her workshops you feel brave to dance freely. Emiko-san is encouraging and often tells us to just have fun. Having the permission to be free and try things is quite significant when dancing Butoh, for as students we are sometimes afraid of doing the wrong thing. To me, Emiko is an amazing Butoh teacher as she truly makes me feel like Butoh can be for everyone.

Tina Poggel (Journalist )
Emiko's workshops are delightful and inspiring for me. Emiko is a very good teacher. She explains and shows every step of the basics very clearly and exactly on different levels, showing pictures or demonstrating with her own body from all sides. Then she gives a lot of time to explore my own body and get into it. I learn so much like to be an empty bag or a water bag or a Japanese hero. I experience to focus on every movement and moment. Changing the face into a demon face was a very big experience.
But first of all she holds the spot on the process, which is very important, not only the goal. In Emiko's workshop I experienced a deep work in my body, right to the cells. For me the workshop feels like a meditation in the own body and I understand in a deep
way what Butoh maybe is. Thanks a lot.
Tina's Website ▶ www.poggel-medien.de

JUNKO (Art Dancer)
我妻恵美子先生の 踊りと哲学に魅せられてワークショップを頂いています。
I have been studying with Emiko Agatsuma because I am fascinated by her dance and philosophy.
Emiko's lessons makes me aware of various senses from the visual to the subconscious.
Workshop is not only for the Body movement, but also a creator with an artistic taste.
Working together with Emiko always lets us make the most beautiful creations. I believe that this is the best way to create a beautiful work of art. Butoh is not only a dance of the body, but also of the imagination and various philosophies, and it is a dance with depth and worth studying with Emiko.
Tina's Website ▶ https://www.bellydancejapan.com/

Hasnaa FATEHI (Artist)
I started taking Butoh lessons with Emiko Agatsuma in January 2020, during her artist residence in Taipei. Emiko uses Dairakudakan’s method in her classes, she always starts with very basic concepts and adds layers of information when she senses the classroom is ready for it. Sessions always ended with a mini-performance putting into application the concepts learnt that day, which provides a great introduction to the way she develops her choreographies and to performing before an audience, in this case the classmates.
The atmosphere created by Emiko is supportive and respectful of everyone’s limitations while providing advice and guidance on how each one could deepen their work. In addition to great attention during the class, Emiko remains available to answering questions after classes, shares a summary (via email) of concepts addressed during the class and posts her consenting students mini-performances on the social media.
Emiko is a generous teacher, she supports everyone in their artistic journey, is happy to provide her input if asked and does not hesitate to indiscriminately include her students in her project regardless of their years of experience or age.
Beyond Butoh classes, Emiko is a great mentor/model to have, I learn a lot just from watching the way she manages projects, leads her classes and respects her practice.