Sun, Oct 24

Time & Location
Oct 24, 2021, 1:00 PM – 9:00 PM
目黒区, 日本、〒153-0064 東京都目黒区下目黒3丁目4−4
About the event
我妻恵美子 舞踏ワークショップ
(*English follows)
▶ 日時
2021/10/24 (日)
①13:00-15:00 【基礎の動き・空っぽのからだ】
②16:00-18:00 【型によって動かされるからだ】
③19:00-21:00 【音によって動かされるからだ】
▶ 開催場所
▶ 冥加料
1回 3,000円
2回 5,500円
3回 7,000円
▶ 講師
▶ 注意事項
- コロナ感染症対策のご協力をお願いいたします。手指の消毒、マスクを着用の上ご参加ください。風邪の症状がある方、37.5℃以上の発熱が続いている方、強いだるさや息苦しさがある方はご来場をお控えください。
- 動きやすい服装と裸足でのご参加をおすすめしております。
- 英語対応可能
- 東京都の緊急事態宣言の発令等により、開催が中止となる場合がございますのでご了承ください。
▶ プログラム詳細
▶ 我妻恵美子
Agaxart代表。早稲田大学文学部を卒業と同時に舞踏集団・大駱駝艦に入艦、麿赤兒に師事。2020年の独立まで全ての作品に出演。2015年に自らの振付・演出作品「肉のうた」にて第46回舞踏批評家協会新人賞を受賞。2020年、台北国際芸術村の滞在芸術家として選出、舞踏ソロ作品「Future Temple」を発表し第39回 Battery Dance Festival(ニューヨーク)より日本代表として招聘される。
▶ 舞踏とは
Emiko Agatsuma Butoh Workshop
▶ Schedule
2021/10/24 (Sun)
① 13:00-15:00 [How to get an empty body? Basic training]
② 16:00-18:00 [Empty body is moved by the traditional Butoh form]
③ 19:00-21:00 [Empty body is moved by Sound]
(2 hours each)
▶ Venue
Vanryu-ji Temple
▶ Session fee
3,000 yen (1 session)
5,500 yen (2 sessions)
7,000 yen (3 sessions)
*You can choose to participate only once, twice such as ① and ② , ② and ③, or three times.
*Payment in cash at door
▶ Instructor
Emiko Agatsuma
▶ Precautions
- We ask for your cooperation in preventing COVID-19. Please sanitize your hands and wear a mask when you come. Please stay home and contact a doctor if you have symptoms of a cold, a fever of 37.5℃, strong fatigue, or difficulty breathing, please stay at home and contact your doctor.
- We recommend that you wear comfortable clothing and bare feet during the session.
- It is conducted in Japanese and English.
- Please note that the event may be cancelled due to the declaration of a state of emergency by the government.
▶ Program details
The point of Butoh basic training is to imagine that our body is an empty bag. The empty bag is moved by something. By trying to remove an intention, we are able to feel unconsciousness inside our body. This workshop is for all levels. Even beginners can enjoy Butoh training. They feel relaxed and find a new approach to their inner mind and body.
① 13:00-15:00
[How to get an empty body? Basic training]
Butoh body manipulation is based on the state of a weak body. In this session, we will introduce basic training with a focus on relaxed movement.
② 16:00-18:00
[Empty body is moved by the traditional Butoh form]
In Butoh, unusual facial expressions and movements appear in the work. In this session, we will introduce some typical kata.
③ 19:00-21:00
[Empty body is moved by Sound]
What is the relationship between the body and space in Butoh? In this session, we will experimentally move the body using sound.
▶ Emiko Agatsuma
Emiko Agatsuma is an award-winning professional Butoh dancer based in Japan and has performed internationally. She has been teaching dancers and the public for more than 15 years as well. Her mission is to boost people's creativity. In 2020, he was selected as an artist-in-residence at the Taipei International Art Village, and was invited to represent Japan at the 39th Battery Dance Festival in New York.
▶ What is BUTOH?
Butoh is a Japanese interpretative dance that was born in 1960. The most famous founders were Tatsumi Hijikata and Kazuo Ohno. As the reaction against the imported modern dance, Butoh dancers focused on their body and mind based on Japanese rural culture. This attitude established a unique body philosophy and Butoh keeps attracting artists all over the world.
Agaxart is the production team that produces innovative Butoh performances based on Emiko’s Butoh method and aesthetics, examining the interaction between body, mind and soul. Agaxart's Butoh performances deliver the diversity of the physical expression that is connected to unconsciousness.